My name is Ray Fowell and I am a volunteer team leader who puts people together with a project in developing countries around the world, and then takes them in country to participate in the task at hand making sure they are safe, have a fun time and achieve their goals. I currently work with Developing world Connections. I have previously worked for Habitat for Humanity, International and GB and also The Fuller Center for Housing
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
View from a Habitat Team Leader: Kanyakumari Day 9 to the end
View from a Habitat Team Leader: Kanyakumari Day 9 to the end: Day 9 Sunday Well that was an experience. Some of the group left the hotel after breakfast and headed for town on a walk about. Lead b...
Kanyakumari Day 9 to the end
Day 9 Sunday
Well that was an experience. Some of the group left the hotel after breakfast and headed for town on a walk about. Lead by their intrepid leader. It wasn't too long before we found the market. Unbelievable. The people the atmosphere, the beggars, the culture, again I am lost for words. I must admit I felt a bit like a teacher keeping his kids in line but it was so good. Just to be in the same place as all those wonderful people. We were a source of amusement for the locals, (white man in the jungle syndrome) they smiled at us and laughed with us. We were welcomed.
After lunch at the hotel we boarded the bus for an R&R trip, that is except Geoffrey as he was not feeling to good (again) to Kanyakumari. First the boat ride accros to the island. The Vivekananda Rock Memorial (look it up if you are interested, it's worth it). 2000 people were on the rock when the tsunami hit. Standing there you could not, not feel for those who did not survive. Looking back at the coast you can imagine the devastation that must have taken place. The wind farm survived, (the biggest in Asia) but 3500 homes have been rebuilt and renovated and repaired with the help of Habitat since that fateful day.
From the rock to the next rock "Tiruvalluvar rock" a monument (not religious) to a poet. 1330 quotes consisting of 7 words each built on a 4 & 3 format around a 10 format piece equals 130 pieces and his monument is 130 ft high. Anal but I like statistics and figures.
We left the rock and visited "Bay Watch" no not Pamela Anderson and whoever Haselhof. This was a little odd I thought, for an R&R visit. But this is Indian culture we are visiting.
It is an amusement park, of sorts. Wax works with 6 pieces, Ghandie and Mother Theresa of course. Then an aerial ride in a rusty thing running on a rustier rail about 15 ft off the ground. H&S nightmare but I figured today was not the day for it to collapse. The Irish girls screamed at every opportunity. It was moving at a speed of at least 5 mph max. 2 at best. Then bumpy cars (bumper cars in UK) Why I asked do the locals find this fun, they drive on the road like that. The team where having fun that's the main thing.
Then it was off to see the sun set. Well that would have been good if the cloud cover had dispersed. But just to stand there where so many people had lost their lives to the tsunami. Watching the sun fade behind the cloud was so moving. The team seemed to separate and stand by themselves with their own thoughts, it was quite moving. The cool breeze and the smell of the ocean, the strange evening light made it so magical.
Following the walk back to the bus we headed for the Sea View hotel for dinner. I had arranged with Titus that we would provide a set meal again as it had worked well previously. Inadvertently he had said they could choose their own main dish. Wrong move. We arrived at the hotel and I had asked if we could eat outside. Tables were already set up overlooking the bay and the monument out on the rock. A stunning view point. The evening started well. Orders placed, and meals started to arrive and be served to the correct people, great I thought this is proving me wrong for once. Then it started to rain. We moved inside to a basement room quite large with just our tables in the centre. A bit like a wedding reception with only 9 guests. Meals stopped arriving, food was cold, the girls meals had to be re ordered and I gave up on mine. The noodles on my plate had been there for over 45 minutes. I cancelled my main dish. After checking the bill to make certain I only paid for the food delivered We left with me un-fed, but hey, I can hack it, I had lunch, what more do I need.
On arriving back at our hotel I headed for the bar and the free snacks they serve with every beer. An end to a good day (except for the Sea View Hotel). The team appear to have enjoyed themselves and that is what R&R is all about.
Day 10 Monday.
Home number 2 has come to a standstill as it is waiting for shuttering now being used on house one. This is needed to complete the ring beam. (a concrete and re-bar structure that goes all around the house and partition walls to secure it all together at lintel height, just above the door to the uninitiated) Smiley dude was happy because I put most of the team on shifting blocks and sand to his house number. 3. Smiley hadn't levelled the ground as I had asked so he got straight on it. The team where a little put out at having to hump blocks again but they did think it good that we where eventually able to start on number 3. This house was destroyed by fire and the villagers and the priest all chipped in to help raise the foundations and Habitat is helping with the build. This family need help, it must be so traumatic to loose everything even if you don't have much to begin with. Whatever you have, it's your life.
It was cloudy and overcast for the best part of the day but so humid, everyone was soaked. Home number one was up to roof height by the end of the day. My height came in useful again for getting the blocks up to the mason working on the scaffold (laugh at this point, I said scaffold), just wait until you see the pictures.
Back at the hotel I believe the team hit the pool before the bar and I have a team meeting planned for 7:15. So tomorrow is another day and we head there gladly in the knowledge that these home owners are far ahead of schedule, with a little thanks to the hard work this team has put in.
Team meeting went well although I see a split in the group led by 2 members, they want to spend all their time on number 3 site. In fact I think one of them just wants to play with the kids. One member is a great lad but I really don't think he wants to be here. I get the impression it's a father son bonding trip. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be much bonding going on. He just wants to get home and get on with his life. I have had to constrain the enthusiasm of another member with regard to the cultural evening. I thought it was bad when in Sri Lanka. This lot are worse. Don't they know what culture means. I don't think I'm flavour of the month in this regard, look at the face is it bovered?.
Day 11 Tuesday.
The team have worked really hard today, split between the two sites as per yesterday. House 2 is having the ring beam shuttered so still nothing on that site. Home 1 is having the shuttering put in place for the roof so nothing on that site except moving rock in from the road and sifting sand. All done without a single groan. Home 3 still moving blocks and sand. Rained a lot today and hard with it.
Early day, cut off after afternoon chi. Hotel, quick change and off to a temple for a bit of R&R. Good visit all happy. I now have to write my speech for the orphanage visit, oh joy. Unaccustomed as I am.
Day 12 Wednesday.
Today was a short working day, but it had to be the hardest day yet. Once we started to put the concrete on the roof, it was continuous. We couldn't stop. The local guys mixed the equivalent of two cement mixer loads at a time by hand using nothing but 2 hoe's. (Indian shovels) There is nothing of these guys but they are so strong. 50kg bags of cement carried on their heads, At least the same weight in sand carried in large buckets made from old rubber tyres, again carried on their heads.
Once they had mixed the concrete we formed a chain up to the roof and back again. The concrete was shovelled into the wok's (pans) and I passed the first one up to level one, he to level two, and he to the roof. Then along a chain to the guy laying it. The empty wok's came back along a different chain down to the girls who placed them on the ground for the shoveller to fill and me to lift. This was continuous from 10:30 to 2:30 but the roof was completed. The work so far on this house would take two to three weeks, we helped bring it in in one and a half weeks. The team are not surprisingly very pleased with their efforts.
To start with I organised the team with 2 girls loading sacs of stone from the road and one guy barrowing it in. The rest where to form the chain. Right at the point of starting, the first mix about 30 seconds from go, and two members decide to walk off and do their own thing. Quick reshuffle grab the barrow runner and bring him back to the chain and we are away. The two walkoffs did bring the stone from the road but after organising everything they screwed it up. Oh well the job was completed, everyone was totally shattered and the day ended early. We left site just after 3:30.
Back to the hotel, quick wash and change and off to the orphanage collecting Mr John on the way. The orphanage girls sang and danced for us and our team sang and did the hoky coky in return. The kids loved it. I had to make my speech which Titus was to have translated but Mr John hijacked it. I needn't have bothered because his translation bore no resemblance to my speech. This was confirmed latter by Titus. Mr John got off on his rant and used the opportunity to make his statement and make that chip on his shoulder a little bigger. I have told Titus that he must translate my closing speech to the village and home owners. If Mr John does it I will not proceed. That's my statement. For all of the political stuff, the kids were great, the orphanage was clean and the children appeared well looked after. It was not as heart wrenching as I had imagined. I had a real job to get everyone back on the bus, I think we could have stayed there all night. A quick head count to make sure we didn't have any extra's on board and we were off to the hotel for dinner.
I arranged for this to be served in the restaurant so as to keep the beer content down, (no alcohol in the restaurant) this in return kept the noise down and the conversation relatively sensible. No tension in the team tonight, mind you that may be down to everyone being worn out after a very hard day. I will do the same again on Thursday night.
Day 13 Thursday.
Just for a change it's raining. Stopped by the time we got to site. The daily paper is carrying stories of destruction and disruption to daily life caused by the excessive rain. The cost of bricks has gone up by 5 pairse (less than ½ p ). This is due to flooding of the brick factory.
Today home 1 is a no go zone as the roof needs to set. Home 2 has 3 people and the rest on home 3. You have it, move stone and timber from the road to site. Again along hard day. I'm not flavour of the month with one team member because I had to reprimand her for her dress sense, totally inappropriate. Finished work a little early ( ½ hour ). Back to the hotel change and take the team out for a last minute shopping trip. Rejesh, Titus, Geoffrey and I went out earlier to by some music DVD's. 6 DVD's cost a knock down after bartering price of 240 iru = £2. I love this place.
Back to the hotel, collect the team and head for Top Shop again. I bought some more curry snacks from World Bakery next door. Supermarket and then dropped them of in the jewellery district. (Hatton Garden of Nagercoil). Rajesh, Titus and myself headed back to the hotel.
Dinner was restrained and pleasant as I had organised to have it in the restaurant again.
Day 14 Friday, Last day.
Arrived on site to continue with home 2 and 3. Same task as yesterday. The team didn't want to come in today, they thought they should have the day off. It was only a ½ day anyway. 12:30 we returned to the hotel and cleaned up, had lunch and at 15:30 headed back to site for the cultural event.
The families and villagers were there to greet us with garlands and a dot of sandalwood for the forehead. This was to keep us safe. Loud music, dancing and a couple of speeches from the villagers. I think the older villagers found me quite strange, an old guy tapping his feet to theses great sounds whilst they thought the music was just too loud and only for the youngsters. As with Sri Lanka the old boys where younger than me in some cases.
Fortunately Mr John didn't arrive so my speech didn't get hijacked again. Titus translated and I got a round of applause after every sentence. A loud round of applause when I said that hopefully some of us would return in the future.
The team did the hoky coky and the villagers laughed, the kids loved it. Lots of picture taking and hand shaking. We finally left and returned for the farewell dinner. Again Mr John did not appear so it was just the team along with Titus and Rajesh and myself. At the end of the meal I thanked the team and they thanked Rahesh and Titus and handed them a token of our thanks.
I then asked for them to give their thoughts on their experience and whether it had fulfilled their expectations. As I expected there was a split feeling amongst the team. Those who had been on previous trips agreed it had been the hardest trip they had been on, but very worthwhile and satisfying. (I agree with that statement). For the others I fear they should been somewhere else because they thought we where there to help the poor of the country and felt that the families we helped were not poor enough. How poor do these people have to be I asked. Those on the street begging? Those with no home and no job? Just who do you want to help?
They felt that they wanted to help the children in the orphanage and the beggars. In that case they should not have been on a Habitat trip. I explained that if Habitat just gave money away it wouldn't last for long, perhaps they should just give their money to Oxfam and let them squander it.
I blame them for not knowing what they were getting into as Habitat is quite open and straight forward about it's policy and the objectives it is striving to achieve. I do feel however that had the applicants for the trip been interviewed before accepting them (as with my previous trips) these people would not have got through.
Member 1. Nice guy trying to bond with his son who really wasn't interested. Found the work load too hard and the climate not to his liking. I also felt that he was a little uneasy not being the leader. Although I found him a good ally at times.
Member 2. A coke head on rehab who doesn't really want to bond with his father and is here under duress. Didn't like the work or the heat but loved the music (as did I). A really nice guy. For some strange reason I got on better with him than any of the others, what does that say about me?
Member 3, What was she here for, Oh yes, herself. 44 years old acting like a petulant 18 year old. Dressed inappropriately on site. Not many women in my opinion can get away with wearing leggings ( I thought they went out of fashion 10 years ago except in Essex, Oh yes and Doncaster) This woman should never have even thought about wearing them. All she wanted to do was hand out gifts and got quite arsy with me because I wouldn't let her. At least she can go home and dine out on the fact that she has been to India and helped the poor. Well not so poor according to her, they had a house. If she could have come to India and stayed in a five star hotel with a well stocked bar and handed out gifts and money to every beggar and child in an orphanage I think she would have been happier. For all of that she did work hard on site, as did everyone.
Member 4. Good worker, great fun (when I could understand her) she thought I was a scaly because of my taste for dance anthems and what she called hard core rave. Unfortunately she to thought she would be helping poorer people. But she is young so I forgive her. I believe in a few years time she may return, if not to India then another Habitat trip. I must introduce her to the Irish lad from Belfast who was on the Sri Lanka trip, he too is at Belfast Uni and if anyone can convince you of the benefits of working with Habitat, he can.
Member 5. Another Irish lass who was a great joy to work with and again another that I couldn't understand half the time. She too worked her socks off without complaint. But she also wanted to help poorer people.
Member 5. What a guy, 64 but the hardest worker on the team. Not a first timer so no problems with Habitat policy. Got fed up with curry every day. I would have him on my team any day. (and subsequently have)
Member 6. A builder who is going home with a greater knowledge of how building can work without all the power tools and diggers. He worked hard and I believe he enjoyed himself. But again he wanted to help poorer people. (why didn't these people understand, is Habitat GB not giving the right information in their literature?)
Member 7. Nice guy, a little strange. Business partner of member 6. Got a little stressed at times. Good worker who thought he wanted to help poorer people (do you see the common thread running through this team). I feel that a seed has been planted by one and they nurtured it throughout the two weeks.
Member 8. Lovely lady, quiet, unassuming, worked hard. Would have her on another team without a doubt.
Member 9. Apparently wound everyone up with her higher than though attitude. (did I miss something?) I only saw one incident at the table when she spoke in a tone that everyone thought was unnecessary, especially number 6 who replied to it. (bygones). She worked at her pace without complaint and understood exactly why she was there.
For me the evening ended at 9:30 as Titus and I had to go and sort out accounts. This took until 12:55 then I went back to my room to pack.
Day 15 Saturday
Up at 04:00 to get everyone on the bus to the airport at 04:30. After or last goodbye to Titus and Rajesh we headed for departures and an uneventful flight home. I saw the last of my team at Heathrow as we said our goodbyes and headed back to our real world. Leaving behind our new found friends and families to continue their lives and complete their houses without those strange white folk who dropped in to touch their lives for such a short time. Hopefully they will remember us fondly.
For me, the people of Vellankodu have touched not only my life, but my heart as well. There are so many people in this world that need our help, and appreciate our help, however small our contribution, however short our time amongst them, I know we have helped them achieve something in their lives that we have always taken for granted in our own. And for that reason I will be back, different area or different country I will be back.
At this point I decided I would not lead another GB team. I approached HFH International again and expressed my feelings about the trip and explained why I wanted to work with them and not GB. Fortunately they understood and the rest as they say "is history". Tomorrow 29th December 2012 I fly to Delhi to lead a team to Rajasthan. My 14th trip and I have lost count now as to how many times I have been back to India. I must also say that one of the GB team who felt the people were not poor enough to help, became a Habitat GB team leader so the seed planted by the other team member did not take root thankfully.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
View from a Habitat Team Leader: Kanyakumari Day's 3 to 8
View from a Habitat Team Leader: Kanyakumari Day's 3 to 8: Apologies for the delay in posting this, the next instalment. I have been busy sorting out the next chapter in my dads life. He is moving i...
Kanyakumari Day's 3 to 8
Apologies for the delay in posting this, the next instalment. I have been busy sorting out the next chapter in my dads life. He is moving into a care home as his dementia is getting worse. Also I have been busy getting ready for my next trip to India in a couple of weeks, I'm off to Rajasthan with a 19 strong team of volunteers.
Day Three Monday.
Hard day today, Started by visiting the 3 homes under construction and meeting the families (home owners). The team is fired up and ready to start. Keep an eye on Mitchel a previous team leader who says he is happy to take a back seat this time, (I'm not so sure).
The whole team are working on one house, Shift and sift sand and transport (carry) concrete blocks from the road to the site. Calculated by steps to be 150 mtrs each way. Lost count of the number of trips I made. Because of the weight of the blocks, we divided the labour with the girls shifting and sifting and the guys hauling blocks. It was a hot, humid and hard day to say the least.
My main man Jim, Jim has worked with me on several more projects since this one and that's not a cigarette, it's a plastic holder he chewed as he was trying to give up smoking. 
Not a good start for the team actually as I would have liked to break them in gently but that was not to be. Plenty of water breaks and lunch kept them going. The team did a superb job without a single complaint. Mitchell was not looking so good, I kept an eye on him to make sure he didn't over do it. The heat and work load was getting to him. His son is on the team and I wonder if he is trying to impress him, I hope not. Note to myself to keep an eye on him.
The bus journey to and from the site is something to behold. I sat sideways at the front next to the driver. The windscreen was 18" from my left shoulder. The driving condition and roads are appalling. You will just have to see the pictures to appreciate it. Risk assessment nightmare. Apparently last month it became a legal requirement to wear a crash helmet. Out of the hundreds of bikes vying for position on the road, I saw about 2 helmets. I am also told that they buy their licence not take the official test. It shows, I don't think anyone has ever taken a test.
The team were fine over dinner and drinks. Team meeting was OK. They thought the days work was a bit hard for the first day but realised it was work that needed to be done. Not much feedback at this time. I'm sure it will come.
Day 4 Tuesday
I have delegated team leadership to Mitchell for the morning as I have to go to the airport to collect Leslie. Up at 5:30 in reception to meet the taxi at 06:00 after much chasing and excuses it arrived at 06:45. I was told he was filling up with diesel which was a partial excuse for his lateness. When I got in he didn't even know what the job was and then we stopped to fill up with petrol. I told him that we were late and make it fast. He took me to my word, you would think James Bond had leapt into his cab and said airport quick as you can. We got to the airport in time, just, but a great drive, I wish I had had a video pointing out the front of the car.
Collected Leslie and took a slower drive back but no less exciting. Leslie who has never been outside Ireland and the UK sat with her mouth open all the way. Too scared to close her eyes. She is now safely deposited in her room and we shall meet for lunch before heading out to the site. She wants to get stuck in as soon as possible. Brave girl, or is that daft girl?
After lunch I took Leslie to the work site. Work had progressed well in my absence. Blocks had started to be laid at the first house. This perked the team up a bit, they were getting a little despondent with the work load. Throughout the afternoon things went well although I think I was quite tired having been up since 05:30.
At the hotel I had arranged for dinner to be served in a small section of the roof garden. This allowed those who wished to take their beer to the table to do so. This is not allowed in the family restaurant area. Again this pleased the team. I say this because I have a couple of members who I think are not to happy with what they have signed up for, even though one of them has attended a number of previous builds. I feel that the work is too hard for him and am therefore keeping a close eye on him.
Day 5 Wednesday.
People are happier today because they can see the house coming together. All the hard work is paying off. Health and safety is no problem (yet) but we have had a few blisters to deal with. We have not started on the 3rd house as we are waiting on materials. The number 2 house is close to the road and attracts more attention from the children and the passers by. They have never seen the likes of us before. The woman find it strange that we have female team members working alongside men. Number one house is racing ahead although the work has been long and hard on this one you can really see it taking shape. Whilst I get my hands dirty and sweat as much as everyone else, I am flitting from one place to another to make sure we have enough material in the right place and enough work to keep everyone happy. Not an easy task.
Titus is my HfH contact. He took over from Mcloud. Unfortunately his English is not that great. But we just about get by even if the first answer is yes followed by no or visa versa. The family of the first house are currently living with the wife's family and have one son. I love this country, thought I'd just let you know that as it flashed into my head just at this moment. If I could work out here for six months a year I would do it like a shot.
In the evening we went shopping. Well maybe not so much shopping as one stop at a tranclimentarier shop (trinkets and junk for the mantle shelf) and then onto a supermarket. I must say that the "cake world" shop was great. I tasted most of the nibbles for want of a better word. Leaves deep fried in spices (bought some) curry coated cashew nuts (bought some) nuts with something else on them that tasted great (bought some) had to stop then or I would have had the lot.
Titus and I arranged for the team to eat in the restaurant above the supermarket. Whilst the team were shopping we went upstairs and ordered a set meal so that we didn't get the usual ordering problems when you have thirteen people at one table. It worked fairly well, we just kept on ordering replacements as the dishes became empty. The team thought it was great, except one who thought he should have been able to order his own. I let them order individual sweets. Cock up, I rest my case. The bill was extortionate. 13 meals 3 courses plus extras. £20:00.(thats for the lot, not just one meal, amazing value) Suitably refreshed we headed back to the hotel.
Day 6 Thursday
The day started well, everyone on block laying, pointing and handing up blocks etc. The digging was over for now. Split the team into two between homes one and two. Still not on 3 yet although the home owner is there every hour to see when we are coming.
At lunch one of the team wanted to make a point that he thought the number one family were unappreciative of our attendance, they didn't smile and thought that they may have felt that we were a hindrance instead of a help. Although these guys are going flat out (not very fast by our standards but then this is India) to have the roof on by next Wednesday. That will be some achievement if we can do it. The dissenter was joined by another in complaining. In fact she really got of on one. She thought they were ungrateful and didn't want to go on another HFH trip if this was how we were treated by the home owners. The team from house 2 expressed the complete opposite. No problem, all in a days work. I had a chat with Titus and we then went and spoke to the home owner and the mason. Half an hour later and both dissenters were happy as Larry. Order restored.
After the afternoon tea break Titus and I went to assess the third site as materials had arrived. Needless to say I will be the bad boy tomorrow when I tell the team that there is more shifting of blocks and sand to be carried out. I have already lined up two willing members so only need to find one more.
I have arranged dinner in the side bar tonight so drinks at the table, that should keep them happy. Team meeting at 7:15 that should be interesting.
As team leader I have not had the interaction with the families as much as I have on previous trips but from the time I have spent with them, They are such lovely people who are desperate to achieve. They are a proud people. The kids love having their picture taken as do the mothers. It really does make you reflect on the life we as westerners make for ourselves.
I don't think I have sweated or ached as much in my life, even digging that hole in Sri Lanka didn't compare to the work, heat and humidity here. But I love it.
There is an Indian wedding going on in the hotel and the music sounds total Bollywood. Must try to get in and listen if I can. Rajesh (bus driver) played a Bollywood DVD in the bus yesterday on the way home. I couldn't see it as I was in the front but it sounded great and the team loved it.
Found that young Geoffrey and I have similar music tastes. Rajesh is going to procure some music dvd's for us. Cant wait, they are so camp it's brilliant.
Latest request from the team is an 05:30 start on Saturday so they can see the sunrise. Also 6 tuc tucs' for a trip around town. I will see what I can do. I'm off for the team meeting and dinner. More to follow.
Day 7 Friday.
What can I say, it rained. Everyone was in good spirits and worked through the rain. Needless to say we got soaked. We didn't get to work on smiley dudes place (home 3) as the rain had made it too dangerous to shift material over the distance required. He was not a smiley dude today. Perked up a bit when we said we would be back on Monday. The team split into two with one moving sand across to cover on the second home so that they did not loose it in the rain (expensive stuff, sand) The other half moved timber, blocks and rock down to the first home. Although it was raining we kept on smiling..
After lunch we called it a day and returned to the hotel. Back on the bus at 3:30 to visit the satellite (affiliate as was). We all sat in front of his desk like naughty school children in front of the headmaster. His English was better than Titus but he spoke so loud and fast I had a job to pick up on it all. Got most of it. He was an angry man with a gripe to air. Made a note to speak to Titus on the way back. After the pleasantries and many pictures taken with Mr John front and centre beaming, we headed back to the hotel.
On the way I questioned Titus, It would appear, to cut a long story short, that Mr John has been demoted from an affiliate to a satellite. He used to arrange all the team visits and R&R. This is now done by the main Habitat office in India and Mr John is a little aggrieved at this, and boy did he let us know. Titus who works for the main office was cringing in his seat, but we had a good laugh about it on the way back.
The weekend is here and we will be having a bit of R&R. Some are going to see the sun rise if there is one at 5:30 in the morning. I shall pass on that one.
Day 8 Saturday.
I skipped the 05:30 sun rise. Apparently it did rise but with a little cloud cover, not worth the early start was the consensus. Good for people watching apparently there were hundreds there with music blaring. Somehow I wish I had gone just for that. (I love t he music)
This is what it should have looked like
10:00am we met in the lobby and headed off in tuc tuc's that I had arranged earlier to the town. A little shopping, one store, not large by English standards, 330 staff. You purchase your item having been served by at least 4 staff and get a ticket, take it to the man over there who records the sale and gives you another ticket, you then take that to the other guy over there. He takes your money and gives you another ticket which you take the other guy who wraps your purchase for you. But for each other guy there are 4 guys and the item only cost £1.50.
Walked back to the hotel, Anna-bell stopped to do more deals on her phone replacement. Oh yes forgot to mention, Anna-bell dropped her phone down the toilet on site, not a pretty place. She proceeded to put her hand down the toilet to retrieve it. She managed to get it back along with a few things she didn't really want (too much information I know) but she has managed to get a new phone and transfer her sim card. But to watch her barter for the cost was something else.
Time to catch up on paperwork for me, swim for others although I found out latter that the pool was not open. Lunch and then off on R&R to the palace and the hanging bridge. The palace (Padmanabhapuram Palace) look it up on if you are interested, was just so good. Great guide, brilliant architecture such history. Also a festival day for the god with a face of the elephant (Ganesha). The music was blasting out wherever we went. The team are having a good time.
Then we went to the hanging bridge, look it up if interested (worth it) built in 1969 a viaduct carrying water across the valley to villages on the other side. Such stunning views. The route to the bridge took us past a previously built Habitat house. Stopped briefly for pictures.
See people do live in them after we leave. The villages we passed through on the way gave a real feel for the place. Words fail me, the culture, the poverty, the resilience of the people. Why are we so wrapped up in our own problems, our own world. Some of these people have never been further than the next village in their lives. They look at us white folk in amazement, the children have never seen a white face in their lives. It is such a picture I can't explain.
Back to the hotel and dinner. Total vegetarian meal tonight at the request of the team. They loved it, bar one, best meal yet, may get some converts.
In the bar after the meal I was confronted by a disgruntled team member who thought we (Habitat) were not helping the really poor. Only helping the middle class poor. He has a lot to learn. I tried to explain the ethos of Habitat and how it works. How by getting the home owners to repay an interest free mortgage of 30% of the cost of their home, Habitat can afford to lend more money to more families to help them into decent homes. (revolving fund).
I don't think Mr John did us any favours with his little outburst yesterday. I don't think he (disgruntled team member) could see the point. I feel he wanted to help the destitute which is not what we are here for. I tried my best to explain but I fear he missed the point and misunderstood the concept, sad really because he is one of the best workers on the team. I can only hope he survives the following week. I feel I could have done more, or explained better, I don't want to loose him as I believe his heart is in the right place.
If I let him go home with his current thoughts, he will not be a good ambassador for Habitat and I would have failed. I will have to bring this up at the next team meeting as he feels he is not alone in his thoughts and feelings. Just my cup of tea. I love dissension in the ranks. Lets see if I can send him home with a better understanding of what Habitat is about and why he is here. Money on it, he will be back. What an end to a good day. Not so for Geoffrey, he is not feeling to good again.
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